The Ayurvedic Daily Program

An ancient Ayurvedic plan for aligning daily routines with our natural body rhythms, dinachariya is still considered highly beneficial for our health. It is especially recommended if you feel like the pressures and stress in your life are threatening to disturb the balance of doshas and your health.85

Along with dosha-appropriate diet and exercise, typical dinachariya guidelines for a daily routine are as follows:85

  • Wake with the sun-rise. (Depending on the seasons and the geographic location, this can be from 6-8:00 a.m.)
  • Upon waking, clean the teeth and scrape the tongue with a tongue scraper.
  • Evacuate the bowels and bladder. Do not strain.
  • Massage the body with warm oil.
  • Bathe with warm water, avoiding applying hot water directly to the head.
  • Before and after breakfast, get body circulation moving through physical exercise.
  • Ideally, work at about 50% of your capacity to avoid overexertion and exhaustion.
  • Eat the heaviest meal of the day when the sun is highest in the sky (depending on the seasons and the location, this can be from noon to 2:00 p.m.).
  • Eat a lighter evening meal before dark. For enhanced digestion, take a gentle walk after dinner for 20-30 minutes.
  • Meditate daily (ideally at dawn and dusk).
  • Go to bed at least three hours following dinner.
  • Avoid television and reading directly before bed. Take time to create a relaxed, socially-pleasing atmosphere before bedtime.


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